Category: Countdown to Erik’s birth

Erik’s birth story – vacuum exctraction

Erik’s birth story – vacuum exctraction

[ 0 ] 18/01/2014 |

I gave birth at 01:20, Saturday the 3rd of August. I was almost a week overdue but I realized something was happening since Tuesday night the 29th July. That’s when I started feeling period like cramps every night since I went into labour. On Thursday night, the cramp pains were getting stronger and more frequent, […]

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Due date +3 and a big surprise!

Due date +3 and a big surprise!

[ 0 ] 01/08/2013 |

This is going to be a short blog post cause since yesterday evening the cramps and contractions are much stronger and painful, although still random, and I find it hard to stay on a siting position. So the news after our Wednesday hospital visit is that there is progress, the cervix is now dilated 1 […]

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Due date +1

Due date +1

[ 0 ] 30/07/2013 |

The show made its appearance on the due date An obvious sign that labour is imminent is the appearance of the show – the plug of mucus that seals the cervix in pregnancy. It provides protection against infection and serves as a barrier against bacteria to help keep your baby safe. When it makes its […]

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The due date has arrived, the baby not yet

The due date has arrived, the baby not yet

[ 1 ] 29/07/2013 |

Erik’s due date has arrived but there are no big signs yet of him making an appearance. According to statistics, 1 out of 2 babies gets born before their due date and just 5% on the estimated date. The belief is that the overdue babies are not late at all, it’s just that the conception […]

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5 days till the due date!

5 days till the due date!

[ 2 ] 24/07/2013 |

It seems like I haven’t been doing the countdown properly. My due date is on the 29th so we only have 5 days left! The reality though is that it might take slightly longer. Only 1 out of 2 babies is born before her due date and usually that is a result of a miscalculation […]

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9 more days left – I hope!

9 more days left – I hope!

[ 2 ] 21/07/2013 |

That’s all a pregnant woman needs during the last days while waiting for the baby’s arrival. Feet massage and tons of ice-cream! A good comedy movie will do as well. Any recommendations? Plus, this little kitten appeared on our balcony a few days ago and after we fed it once, it keeps on coming back. […]

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11 more days – getting impatient!

11 more days – getting impatient!

[ 3 ] 19/07/2013 |

Last night I had lots of period-like cramps and I woke up feeling as if something heavy had been sitting on my chest the whole night. I found it hard to breath as if I had smoked a package of cigarette, which I haven’t, I promise; I haven’t had a puff since I found out […]

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13 days till the estimated date of birth

13 days till the estimated date of birth

[ 0 ] 17/07/2013 |

This morning we went to Mater Dei and it was the first time I got connected to an electronic fetal monitor. The reason for this is to monitor and record the baby’s heart rate and the maternal uterine activity. An elastic belt was used to hold sensors against my abdomen and the monitoring lasted around […]

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14 days left & pre-labour physical signs?

14 days left & pre-labour physical signs?

[ 1 ] 16/07/2013 |

  The last two days I’ve been experiencing pain that comes and goes every so often during the day and night, it lasts for about 1-2h at a time, and it is very similar to period cramping. I also started feeling some lower backache which I didn’t have so far during pregnancy. I always had […]

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16 days left – baby boy it’s gonna be alright…

16 days left – baby boy it’s gonna be alright…

[ 0 ] 14/07/2013 |

Oh how I wish I could feel what Erik feels and see how the whole pregnancy is experienced from his side. Every now and then I have a weird thought going through my head, that the experience of being born, seen from a baby’s perspective, might feel like dying. The only world a baby, my […]

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