Win the world famous Juppy

[ 0 ] 04/01/2016 |


Have you ever supported a baby as he or she was learning to walk? If so, you know how hard on the back it could be, constantly bending over. Prevent injuries and do your back a favour with the Juppy! This doctor-recommended, award-winning baby walking harness eliminates the need to bend over.


The competition is on on our Facebook Maltamum page. Like, Share and Comment to take part in our draw.

The lucky mum will be announced on the 8th of January and she can choose a pink/black, blue/black or yellow/black Juppy.

The Juppy has been invented by a grandfather, Jeffrey Nash. Click here to watch a video with Juppy on American TV.



Good luck and Happy New Year 🙂

#‎ChristmasNotOver‬  ‪#‎Juppy‬ ‪#‎InventedByMum‬‪ #‎NoMoreBackPain‬



Category: Current events, Events in Malta, Maltamum Shop, Shopping

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