The bravest thing I have ever done is ask for help

[ 0 ] 05/07/2018 |

We’re creating ‘Where am I from?’, the world’s 1st street art illustrated book for young children, promoting unity and diversity.

In my life, I’ve noticed that the most magical, unexpected, creative and liberating things have happened whenever I pushed myself, or someone I love gave me a gentle kick on the but (like my husband) or a helping hand (many friends to thank for and family!), and I got out of my comfort zone.

For one, I’ve managed to live and work in 6 different countries. Apart from travelling around the world, and spending a good amount of time in the different destinations I was blessed to call ‘home’, including Malta for about a decade, I also managed to realise a big dream of mine, that of being independent and working home based.

Right now, my oldest, childhood dream, is about to come true, and I need your help to make it happen. I wrote a story for a children’s book, having the children of the world at heart, and imagining a more peaceful, accepting and caring world, where all kids are seen equal, coming from one and common place.

‘Where am I from?’ will be published by Faraxa Publishing. It’s a Maltese Publishing House with several award-winning books in their history, directed by a woman, and mum of multicultural children herself. To give it a further twist, ‘Where am I from?’ is going to be the world’s first picture book to be fully illustrated with original street art, and all murals will be painted by the artist Platonas-Πλατων.

We’re going to crowdfund the project, and on 16/07 our Kickstarter campaign will go live. We hope you will love this book project as much as we do and you’ll support us throughout our campaign.

Since our parents taught us that sharing is caring, once we go live, in exchange for a shout out on social media, you will be able to download for free 1 fairy tale + 1 short story + the essential guide ‘How to Raise Confident Multicultural Children’ written with full chapter contributions by Dr. Ute Limacher-Riebold, Dr. Brigitte Vittrup, Vivian Chiona, Psychologist & Counsellor, B.Sc, M.Sc.

Stay tuned for more info 

Category: Where am I from?

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