Interview with Melissa Bugeja about LatchOn

[ 1 ] 08/02/2015 |

melissa bugejaMelissa Bugeja is a Certified Breastfeeding Counsellor and she assists mothers through courses, workshops, support groups and home visits. You can find her at, on the Facebook group Breastfeeding Matters and now on LatchOn. Melissa has also joined the Maltamum Card scheme and supports our breastfeeding mums with exclusive offers. In this interview you can find out more about her latest initiative, which was very much needed in Malta for a long time. Thumbs up and may we see lots of establishments in Malta featuring the LatchOn sticker.



1) What is LatchOn?

LatchOn is a non profit initiative there to help breastfeeding mothers feel more confident and comfortable nursing in public.

2) How did you come up with this idea?

I had seen this idea in both the UK and the US and after a lot of thought I felt it truly made sense to have it in Malta as well.

3) How does a company qualify to receive the LatchOn sticker?

Being part of it is pretty straight forward, a company just needs to accept mothers to nurse in any part of their establishment, do a breastfeeding policy and attend a short training session on lactation and accept to display the sticker on their premises.

4) In what kind of establishments should we expect to see it?

Everywhere, I am contacting cafes, restaurants, museums, beach clubs, department stores, supermarkets…

5) Which are the first ones to support LatchOn?

The first ones will be revealed later this week so stay tuned to the LatchOn page on Facebook.

6) What is the bigger plan, your vision, behind this initiative?

The bigger plan is that mothers nurse for longer duration, feel more comfortable nursing in public and that nursing in public becomes once more accepted as the biological norm.


LatchOn sticker

LatchOn sticker


Category: Interviews

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  1. Mary Grech says:

    Well done Melissa!!! Keep up the good work!!!

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