Giveaway on Instagram & a few hours left to download the eBooks!

[ 0 ] 17/08/2022 |

Hi again 🙂 ,

There’s a giveaway right now on Instagram hosted by teacher Wyatt, a language teacher with the account @froggyreadteach, and one of you can win a paperback copy of my new book! All the details can be found here!
You can also follow her on Facebook here.

Also, don’t forget that you can still download on Amazon for free all the bilingual editions of my new book “Nelly’s Box” till midnight USA time on the 18th of August /about 09:00CET on the 19th of August. Languages: English, Arabic, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish, Ukrainian.

Thank you so much for all your support, for sending me your very first book purchase photos, and for writing such thoughtful reviews. I’m sharing with you below some of the first reviews that have been published under the different editions. As my teacher friend Yoshito Darmon-Shimamori from wrote on his Facebook profile, it does make a big difference to the visibility of the book on the huge Amazon platform, even if you just leave a rating after downloading the eBook for free.

I wish you all a lovely day and a great back-to-school experience soon. Our kids started school today, and our youngest, Nelly, just started as a 1st grader :).

Thanks again for everything!

//Elisavet (or just Liza).

Category: Mum's Library

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