New book – How to Raise Confident Multicultural Children

[ 0 ] 24/01/2020 |

Good morning everyone, I am so happy today. Most of you here are raising kids who speak at least two languages, right? So, please, keep on reading.

I’ve been working on the second edition of this book since the summer of 2018, and I’ve curated an amazing selection of chapters related to multilingualism, multiculturalism, life abroad, mixed families. And now it’s ready! Even if your family is not of mixed heritage, and you live in your country of origin, there are many chapters in here that you’ll find useful in your parenting journey raising bilingual and multilingual children, like the following:

-> ‘Language delays in multilingual children: what are they and what to do about them’ by Dr. Mary-Pat O’Malley-Keighran (she’s a speech & language therapist with over 20 years of experience working with children & their families. She is a lecturer in speech and language therapy at NUI Galway and she is passionate about supporting multilingual families to develop all of their child’s languages while still having fun!)

-> ‘5 mistakes parents make when trying to raise bilingual children’ by Rita Rosenback (she’s a Family Language Coach, speaker, and author. Her book “Bringing up a Bilingual Child” is an easy-to-read guide navigating readers across the “Seven Cs of Multilingual Parenting: Communication, Confidence, Commitment, Consistency, Creativity, Culture and Celebration”. She also works as an Intercultural Youth Trainer, she is on the board of Multicultural Kid Blogs and has served for several years as the Vice President of FIGT – Families in Global Transition.)

-> Why urging our children to embrace different cultures and learn different languages matters by Dr. Ute Limacher-Riebold (she’s an independent Intercultural Language Consultant with a passion and love for languages. As a multilingual linguist, she works with families who speak multiple languages at home. She supports them in maintaining their heritage languages and cultures, and in finding a healthy balance with all the languages and cultures they collect during their international journey. She is a life-long international and ATCK (Adult Third Culture Kid), and raises her own three children as multilinguals and multiculturals, abroad too. She is fluent in Italian, German, French, English, Dutch, and Swiss-German.

->My own ‘The debate over multiculturalism and what we can learn from the Canadian model’, hoping we can all learn to live in peace and respect towards each other no matter our origins.

I hope with these amazing contributions we can help spread proper, well-researched information about matters that are so important for our families.

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Thank you for reading!

//Elisavet Arkolaki (aka Liza)

Category: Uncategorized

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