World’s 1st graffiti illustrated children’s book!

[ 0 ] 16/07/2018 |

It’s always been a dream of mine to write a children’s book – and this is it; “Where am I from?“, the world’s first graffiti illustrated book for young children, promoting unity and diversity.


Through stunning graffiti by artist Platon, “Where am I from?” will take our young ones on a journey in search of common origins. Created for children roughly from pre-school to 8 years of age, the story portrays children with different racial backgrounds, living in countries from all six inhabited continents. The children gather together and try to find a universal answer to the burning question Where am I from?, an answer which isn’t true just for them but true for everyone. This book will be published by Faraxa Publishing.


On top of that, I also wrote another book, a 40 pages jam packed, informative guide titled “How to Raise Confident Multicultural Children“. It has been written with full chapter contributions by Dr. Ute Limacher-Riebold, Dr. Brigitte Vittrup, Vivian Chiona, Psychologist & Counsellor, B.Sc, M.Sc., Brian Vassallo, Assistant Head of School at Mariam Albatool School & visiting lecturer at the University of Malta, B.Sc, M.Sc. This book is available to download for free, and compliments the story as an aided material for the parent and the teacher.


The books have been written, the publisher has been found, the production plan is outlined. But we need your help in seeing this innovative, one-of-a-kind book come to life. We just launched a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign to raise the funds with which to produce it. I’d be so grateful if you would make a pledge to financially support  our book and enable us to get this important message out to our children. You don’t have to pay the amount straight away – the amount you agree to pledge will only be taken if we achieve the minimum funding target by 15/08.


There are pledges ranging from €3 to €1473 and in return for the pledge you can get a range of different rewards – from an e-copy of the book, to a signed hard copy, and even the possibility of seeing your child painted in a mural as a main character in the book, or painted on page in your own book!


Here is the link to make a pledge – please show your support today.


Please would you also share this Kickstarter link on your own pages as well, to spread the word and share the love.

Thanks so much.


Love and Light,
Liza (Elisavet Arkolaki)

Category: Events in Malta, Mum's Library, Where am I from?

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