The New Choral Singers – 13 + 15 Dec 2013
The New Choral Singers will celebrate the joy of Christmas with the 17th annual performance of Christmas carols entitled ‘Musical Tidings’. The first performance will be held on Friday 13 December at St. Publius Parish Church in Floriana followed by a second one on Sunday 15 December at St. John of the Cross Parish Church, Ta’ Xbiex. Both performances begin at 7.30pm.
This year’s repertoire features music from Germany, England, Italy and of course Malta. John Rutter’s beautiful Angel’s Carol, Es Ist Ein Ros Entsprungen by Michael Praetorius, Et Incarnatus Est by Marco Frisina and the traditional Maltese Ninni La Tibkix Izjed are but a few of the many carols that are sure to get the audience in the Christmas spirit! Also worth mentioning is the much-loved tune O Gesu Helwa Tarbija, arranged by the Choir’s very own director Robert Calleja. A few of the carols will have short solo parts sung by members of the Choir.
The New Choral Singers will be accompanied by pianist Ms. Shirley Helleur and organist Fr. Aurelio Mulé Stagno.
As in previous years admission is free but a retiring collection will be held. This year the concert will benefit The Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. The aim of this Chivalric Order is to sustain and aid the charitable, cultural and social works and institutions of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land. The lay Chivalric Order is under the protection of the Holy See and is entrusted with looking after the welfare of Catholics in the Holy Land.
For further information on the concerts please refer to the Choir’s website,
Category: Past events