Teething time!
This was Erik’s first Christmas and New Year’s holiday! And we spent it in Horten, Norway, daddy’s hometown. Usually the city is covered with snow during this time of the year, but we were greeted with a sunny day and a pleasant temperature which was above 0 (which is pretty warm according to the locals whereas the mediterranean in me disagrees with this statement :-p). It only started snowing on the day that we left Norway, on our way to the airport.
During the holidays, where almost half of the days were surprisingly sunny, we took out Erik for walks. We placed him within a sheep wool sleeping bag in his pushchair, which belonged to daddy’s sister and daddy when they were babies themselves, and which has been preserved by the grandparents in perfect condition. It kept him very warm and cosy. Here is a picture of our little Eskimo boy 🙂
While being in Norway, Erik mastered his rollover skills. He also changed sleeping patterns, waking up every 1-2 hours at night to breastfeed. I wrongly assumed that the reason behind this was that he was in a new environment. And I say “wrongly” cause when we came back to Malta I noticed that his first tooth was emerging! And two days later, right next to it, one more white little spot appeared.
Erik is teething and two teeth are coming out simultaneously! He doesn’t seem to suffer, but he is definitely more needy and moody. Time to use our Genuine Baltic Amber necklace which we recently bought from Amazon and see if it will help during the teething process. Mums in various forums seem to be certain that Baltic amber necklaces do help big time and this particular one has received excellent reviews.
What is a baby teething necklace?
Amber Baby Teething Necklaces from us are worn when a baby is teething, they are to be worn and are not for chewing.
How does it work?
The skin’s warmth releases healing oils from the amber, a resin, which is absorbed into the bloodstream.
What does the amber do?
It reduces red inflamed cheeks and stimulates the thyroid glands to reduce drooling. Amber is associated with sunlight and warmth and reputed to boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, accelerates the healing of wounds, reduce inflammation of the throat, ear and stomach infections and respiratory disease. There are no tablets, medications or pastes that can compete with this amber teething necklace, the necklace is unique and has amazing results which are all natural.
If interested, click here to read more about amber necklaces and how they can be of help for your little ones while teething.
Happy New Year to all and may 2014 be even better than 2013!
Category: Shopping