New cooperation with best-selling author Kostas Krommydas

[ 0 ] 07/03/2023 |

A gift for you: A Tuscan Night!

Hi everyone, I hope you’re well. I have a lot of news to share so I’ll split it into two blog posts. The 1st one, the one I’m publishing today is about a new cooperation and a gift for you. The next one which will be published by the end of this week will include among other things 3 PDFs with accompanying activities for my 3 bilingual books.

My friends from Greece are already familiar with the name Kostas Krommydas, but for my other friends, let me introduce you to him. Kostas is an award-winning author of ten bestselling novels with total sales of more than 200,000 copies in Greece alone, an acclaimed actor, teacher, and passionate storyteller. His novels (he mainly writes women’s fiction) have been among the top 10 at the prestigious Public Book Awards (Greece) and two of them, “Dominion of the Moon” and “Akakie”, have won first place (2017 and 2022)! He has also received the coveted WISH writer’s award in 2013 as an emerging author.

So what’s the news? Kostas and I have started working together; I am managing his ads on Amazon! In order to celebrate this, he agreed to offer his novel “A Tuscan Night” to be downloaded for free on Kindle, for a limited amount of time. This campaign will run from Wednesday the 8th of March at 09:00 CET till Monday the 12th of March at 09:00 CET (8th-12th March in the USA). Just search for it at your local Amazon store.

Here’s a list of all his books that have been translated into English.

Category: Uncategorized

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