My little man turned 180 degrees today for the first time
Erik has mastered the skill of rolling from one side to the other, both ways, while on his back. Although this is an important milestone to his development, I wasn’t so overwhelmed to see it. But today morning he surprised me big time.
It’s been a month since we started using the Fisher-Price Rainforest 1-2-3 Musical Gym, and we use it almost every day (previous article: It’s all about legs now). So today morning, as per usual, I put him on his back on the musical gym to play. Before leaving the room, I saw him rolling towards one side and placing both his feet on the left side of cylinder where the toys hang. I also saw him trying to grasp his feet with his hands.
He must have somehow grasped the cylinder while pushing with his feet, cause when I came back, I found him having turned 180 degrees, playful and smiley! It might had been just pure luck to manage to do that, but I must admit that I felt overjoyed seeing this small “miracle”. Or, lets just say, it seemed like a “miracle” in the eyes of a first time mum 🙂
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