Morning thoughts on books and art

The way I see the world, the way I process my experiences in life is through words. When it comes to the deep, hard stuff, I need to write down my thoughts in order to sort them out. Reading books and writing have always acted as an anchor whenever the emotions inside of me were about to take me too far away from the shore, sometimes even threatening to carry me to unsafe places.
I now wish that my children will also find pleasure and solace in stories; an amazing tool in our hands to help them make sense of life and see the bigger picture of what is in the world. Cause books, no matter the form and genre, matter. Children need love, food, a home but they also need art and literature in their lives.
I’m forever grateful that my children’s stories found a home Faraxa Publishing and that the artist Platonas-Πλατων loved #whereamifrom enough to dedicate on it countless hours and give the story shape and color. This is the latest graffiti (2,10×1,10m wall) which will be one of the two featured in the Australia page spread.
I am feeling excited but also nervous as we approach the finish line. You see, this will be my very first book to be published, and the process to get to where we are today has been long (more than 2 years already!), challenging but also gratifying to an extent that I had never experienced before. It’s truly a labor love. <3
If you’d like to have access to all the behind the scenes details, join me here. I’d love to interact with you in there 🙂 .
Love, Liza.
Category: Where am I from?