Kathi’s birth plan
A birth plan is a written record of what you would like to happen during labour and right after your baby’s born. Not many of us prepare one, but the truth is that writing a birth plan gives you the opportunity to do a detailed research in advance. It gives you the chance to gather important information of all the different options that are available to you, the expectant mother, and to be better prepared for the delivery room. Plus, if you are unable to respond and take decisions during labour, your partner can follow the plan on your behalf, so that your birth experience is as close to your expectations as possible.
Kathi is now 38 weeks pregnant, expecting her first child, a baby boy here in Malta, and was kind enough to share her birth plan with us.
Being a German I like to have things planned accurately beforehand. “But you can’t really plan a birth”, some of you might object now. I know that this is true to a certain extend. Every birth experience is different, individual and also “un-plan-able”. Nevertheless I can say: Not having any clue of what birthing might be like and completely losing control, to me personally is the most frightening somewhat horror-scenario. I remember back at university having to write my first paper I was panicking so much that I just could not find a starting point. One of the professors then gave me an advice that has ever since proven to be useful in a lot of situations: “Make yourself a plan and draft a chapter overview. Having to write chapter for chapter is not least as scary as having to write say 25 pages. And having a plan in mind you can always reconsider and rearrange. But in order to change plans, you need to have a plan first!”. So for me trying to put the un-plan-able into a rough draft is about mentally preparing myself for labour and giving me confidence. And when everything on the day turns out totally different from what I expected, I will just adapt my plans to the situation in order to in the end finally meet my beautiful baby. So here we go:
- Labour at home as long as possible
In order to have time to labour in my own pace and not being rushed into something at hospital, I would like to stay at home as long as I feel ok.
- Listening to my body
I consider this one of the most important things. Whether I will walk around, stay on my gym ball or just try to relax in the bed, I will try to listen to my body’s needs. Only I myself can feel which position I am most comfortable in. I will try to give all control to my own body and mind rather than losing all control or giving it to a third person.
- Having my partner with me at all times
He is the one I trust most and he knows my fears. He is able to speak for me (us) if I happen to be unable to communicate my fears.
- Pain relief
I will welcome every surge, as every surge passing brings me closer to my baby. Thus, I do not wish any artificial pain relief. I will use breathing and relaxing techniques, my partner will help me to stay focused if I lose confidence or start having doubts.
- Atmosphere
I want a calm and peaceful atmosphere. I have chosen some music, a hot water bottle and lavender oil to help me stay relaxed.
- Medical interference
I won’t object to any necessary medical intervention. However, I want to keep interference as low as possible. This means, I do not wish to:
- Have my waters broken unnecessarily early in order to speed up labour
- Be attached to a monitor if not absolutely necessary as this limits my freedom of movement
- Have an unnecessary amount of vaginal examinations during labour with “everyone” poking their fingers inside of me
- Have an episiotomy, I prefer tearing
I wish to be asked for my permission and being explained what is being done beforehand in any case (obviously excluding emergencies where quick decisions need to be done by the medical staff).
In case of an emergency c-section I would like my partner to look after our baby while I can’t
- Pushing my baby out
I wish not be placed on my back in order to push my baby out. I prefer a squatting position, either holding onto my partner or to the bed or on my hands and knees, whatever suits me best in the situation
I would appreciate guidance from the midwifes, however I hope I will instinctively feel how and where I have to push
- I want to welcome my baby first and have him placed on top of me straight away
- My partner and I wish for him to cut the umbilical cord
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