Gotta love early summer mornings with a 4 year old!
Last Sunday – Out on a morning walk with the kids. Nelly in her Ergo, wearing a cute yellow girlie hat with a ribbon on the side, and Erik his policeman hat and his spiderman water bottle hanging from his neck. Walking up the street of our country house in Greece, while the rest of the neighbourhood is still sleeping, we hear the owls on their last song before they ‘go to bed’ and I tell him it’s Olivia and her friends, like in the fairy tale book we had just been reading. Then we hear the hens, and the cicadas who ‘play their tiny size guitars’ up on the trees and sing whole heartidily for the whole world to hear them and, finally, wake up, and play with us. As we approach the cross road, Erik says, ‘Now I want to go to another country!’ and me ‘We’re going to Norway in a week’s time’. And Erik, a bit disappointed with my reply, he points to the street that leads to the upper neighbourhood, and says ‘I want to go to the country Up There!’
And a few hours later, another epic conversation came along.
Me and the kids out in the garden and grandma up on the balcony.
Me (loud voice): Mum, I am going to Stella’s with the kids! OK?
-Mum: OK!
-Erik (in a soft voice while holding my hand and more like re-affirming the ok): Your mum allowed you to go?
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