Category: Your Questions

My husband speaks a language I don’t understand with our children and it’s OK.

My husband speaks a language I don’t understand with our children and it’s OK.

[ 4 ] 13/03/2019 |

Anzelika, a mum who read our journey with raising multilingual children, sent me the following email. I thought of replying via a blog post, with her permission, instead of a personal email as this might be of interest to more moms out there who find themselves in a similar situation. ‘Hi Liza! There are not […]

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Fits that last about 1h long. Is this normal?

Fits that last about 1h long. Is this normal?

[ 4 ] 01/10/2015 |

A mum is asking for our help – Any professionals who can give some advice or mums who have experienced something similar? ‘I’ ve asked for help and guidance some months ago but I still cant figure out what is wrong with my 7 yr old. She has fits that last about an hour long. […]

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What are the costs involved with going to a government primary school?

What are the costs involved with going to a government primary school?

[ 7 ] 28/08/2014 |

Are there any parents here who have little ones that go to Pembroke primary school, or any other government primary school? I need an idea of the costs of uniforms and stationery and anything else that has to be provided at the beginning of term including any donations. Thank you all in advance. Mum P. […]

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Understanding the tantrum of a 2 year old and how to respond

Understanding the tantrum of a 2 year old and how to respond

[ 0 ] 24/08/2014 |

The following question of a parent and answer by Meghan Leahy was featured on Washington Post and I felt it was worth saving under the maltamum ‘Your Questions’ blog category. Question: My almost-two-year-old is having some heavy-duty tantrums. Screaming and screeching, throwing things and more. What’s the best way to respond? I’d prefer not to ignore her, which […]

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Breastfeeding on demand – how can I keep up with the 5 meals a day pediatrician’s recommendation?

Breastfeeding on demand – how can I keep up with the 5 meals a day pediatrician’s recommendation?

[ 12 ] 23/08/2014 |

Hi mummies, I still breastfeed my 1 year old and I have a problem. I breastfeed on demand, so it’s hard for me to follow the ‘5 meals a day’ schedule the pediatricians recommend for my baby, since she comes to the breast several times during the day and night. What kind of food schedule – […]

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Moving to Malta with children

Moving to Malta with children

[ 5 ] 21/08/2014 |

Hello all, I have found the maltamum blog because I am interested to move to Malta, if I will be alone, that is no problem, but I am a father, 8 years old son and 2 years old daughter. To be honest I don’t know what to expect, i am not afraid, i travel a lot […]

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Siblings fighting – how to handle it?

Siblings fighting – how to handle it?

[ 2 ] 21/07/2014 |

  Anon is asking: I have two boys, a 6 years old and a 3 years old and they are constantly fighting about everything. Who’s going to choose first a seat on the table, who’s going to play with a particular car, who’s going to decide what cartoon to watch on TV etc. Sometimes it […]

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Not following a daily routine might harm my baby?

Not following a daily routine might harm my baby?

[ 3 ] 16/07/2014 |

Hi mums, I am a bit worried because soon I ll go back to work, I have requested to work reduced hours and maybe they ask me to work one day 8:30 till 12:30 and the next day 13:30 till 17:30, that means that the baby will have to be those hours at the child […]

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