Category: Where am I from?

National Book Prize Malta, be part of the new book, and other news :)

National Book Prize Malta, be part of the new book, and other news :)

[ 0 ] 17/06/2021 |

Hello lovely people :), I hope this email finds you well. It looks like there won’t be any traveling outside of Norway for us this summer as we’re waiting to get vaccinated, so I’m going to accept that our reunion with family and friends outside of this country will need to be further postponed. I […]

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Win a copy of Where am I from? + a read-aloud of Happiness Street

Win a copy of Where am I from? + a read-aloud of Happiness Street

[ 0 ] 16/07/2020 |

Hi friends, How are you? Here, Norway lifted the traveling ban, and we are soon going to visit our family in Greece. Quite an unexpected surprise, as we had already canceled the whole trip! How are things at your end? I hope you’re coping and that things are getting better <3? 2 YEARS AGO…. In other […]

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International recognition, video interview, read aloud, a new project by experts!

International recognition, video interview, read aloud, a new project by experts!

[ 0 ] 02/07/2020 |

Hi friends, How are you? We just came back from a short holiday within the country. It was lovely, and we’ve been blessed with nice weather, something which is never to be taken for granted in Norway. The kids got to swim in a lake, a river, the sea, and got to taste the very first […]

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Many eBooks to download, permission to use Where am I from? and more!

Many eBooks to download, permission to use Where am I from? and more!

[ 0 ] 28/05/2020 |

Hi friends, Here things have resumed some sort of normality. The kids go to school and kindergarten, we get uninterrupted hours of work at our home office, football training is taking place again outdoors with small groups of kids, and social distancing practices. But in about 2 weeks, we reach the end of this scholastic […]

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A Book Snob review, a giveaway, a printable journal, and more!

A Book Snob review, a giveaway, a printable journal, and more!

[ 0 ] 13/05/2020 |

Dear friends, I hope you’re keeping safe and coping with the different new routines that have been in place all around the world. Here in Norway, the kids are back to school, and they’ve started socializing with a few friends after school as well. We’ve had 0 cases in our little town for two weeks […]

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News and tips for multilingual families including a meet the expert session

News and tips for multilingual families including a meet the expert session

[ 0 ] 23/04/2020 |

Dear friends, I wish that you, your family, and friends are all healthy and safe. The kindergartens and primary schools (1st-4th grade) are going to open here in Norway on Monday and both my kids will have their first day ‘back to school’. They’re super excited and I really hope everything will be OK. At least […]

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Morning thoughts on books and art

Morning thoughts on books and art

[ 0 ] 17/10/2019 |

The way I see the world, the way I process my experiences in life is through words. When it comes to the deep, hard stuff, I need to write down my thoughts in order to sort them out. Reading books and writing have always acted as an anchor whenever the emotions inside of me were […]

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Today a reader, tomorrow a leader

Today a reader, tomorrow a leader

[ 0 ] 22/01/2019 |

This week marks a week long celebrations to raise awareness about diverse children’s book with the highlight being the 25th of January, the Multicultural Children’s Book Day (#MCBD2019). MCBD is an NGO and their mission is not only to raise awareness for the kids’ books that celebrate diversity, but to get more of these books […]

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Reflections on the positive things that took place in 2018

Reflections on the positive things that took place in 2018

[ 0 ] 16/12/2018 |

Life with small children can often be hectic. What I miss the most in our ‘married with kids’ life are moments of stillness and quiet, being all by myself. Moments where I can sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee, read a book, write, reflect on anything and everything. The kids now are at a […]

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My husband – the one who pushes me out of my comfort zone

My husband – the one who pushes me out of my comfort zone

[ 0 ] 09/10/2018 |

Today I would like to write about my husband. The driving force behind many of the things I have managed to accomplish in life, smaller or bigger. As a personality trait, I tend to be resistant to certain types of change. In particular, I will resist change when that means pushing myself way far out […]

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