How to apply for the eResidence card in Malta – the most up to date information!
This post is courtesy of Patricia Graham, representing the Facebook group Class Action Against ARMS LTD*, a Facebook group that has been formed for interested parties to stay up to date with the latest issues affecting Non Maltese Residents, who are EU Nationals, initially with regard to the over charging by the Utility company ARMS Ltd and the two tier tariff imposed by them.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. I need to renew my ID card, which form is relevant to my application?
In order to apply for the eResidence document, which is also an identification document,
one needs to present two forms:
• The application form that refers to the purpose for which one wishes to reside in
• The identity registration form (ID1A) which is the same for all categories of
applicants whether EU or Non-EU.
If one is an EU/EEA/Swiss national or a family member of an EU/EEA/Swiss national,
one will be required to present one of these forms:
CEA Form A Employed or self employed persons
CEA Form E Exempt Person Status- For persons married to Maltese nationals
(all nationals).
CEA Form F Family members (including family members who are Third
Country Nationals).
CEA Form J Economic Self Sufficient persons.
CEA Form M Students.
CEA Form P Permanent Residents.
CEA Form S Permanent Residence Scheme – all nationals.
If you are a Non-EU national you need to select one of the following forms:
CEA Form B Blue Card.
CEA Form C Employed/Self Employed Person.
CEA Form E Exempt Person Status- For persons married to Maltese nationals
(all nationals).
CEA Form G Family Members.
CEA Form I International Protection.
CEA Form K Economic Self Sufficient Persons.
CEA Form L Long Term Residents.
CEA Form N Study.
CEA Form O Partners.
CEA Form O Religious Purposes.
CEA Form O Posted Workers.
CEA Form O Temporary.
CEA Form O Health Purposes.
CEA Form O Working Holiday.
CEA Form O Humanitarian Grounds.
CEA Form O Pensioners.
CEA Form S Permanent Residence Scheme – all nationals.
2. Is there an application fee?
There is no application fee if one is an EU/EEA/Swiss National or a family member of an
EU/EEA/Swiss national. However in cases where a residence document is lost, stolen,
destroyed or defaced a fee will have to be paid as follows:
• In case the document has been lost, stolen or destroyed: €20
• In case the document has been defaced: €15
Non-EU nationals are required to pay a fee of €25 which will entitle the applicant to a
document covering the period of one year or part thereof.
Persons who are married to Maltese nationals and who enjoy Exempt Person Status are
exempt from the payment of the fee.
Long term Residents are required to pay the fee for a five year permit amounting to €125
Euros upon application.
Persons enjoying International Protection who have just been released from detention are
exempt from paying a fee.
3. What is the difference between form ID1A and ID2?
Form ID1A needs to be presented by all those persons (above the age of 14) who apply in
person at the Department.
Persons sending in their application by post (EU nationals and persons who are
housebound) are required to submit:
• the application form relating to the purpose of residence and accompanying
• the form ID1A, the form ID2 and
• a passport size photo of the applicant taken on a white background and preferably
on non glossy paper. The subject must be facing straight to the camera and must
have a neutral expression. The photographs should be taken full face without hat
and not wearing tinted glasses. Slot machine photographs, textured photographs,
group photographs, inferior quality photographs and photographs subject to
fading or sensitive to heat, are not acceptable.
4. Which Documents do I need to present with the application?
The list of documents applicable for each category is to be found on each form.
If one is an EU national and has already been issued with a registration certificate, all one
has to do is to submit the original and copy of the registration certificate together with the
5. Do I need to apply in Person?
Non-EU nationals are requested to come in person to the Department since biometrics
need to be captured as per Council Regulation (EC) No 1030/2002 of 13 June 2002
laying down a uniform format for residence permits for third-country nationals as
amended by Council Regulation (EC) No 380/2008 of 18 April 2008.
If one is an EU/EEA/Swiss national or a family member of a EU/EEA/Swiss national,
one may send the application by post. The photograph and photocopy of the passport or
foreign ID of EU nationals must be authenticated by either one of the following:
– a public officer not below the grade of Principal or analogous grade,
– a police officer
– a professional person,
– a Minister for Religion or any other person of similar standing.
When an application is sent by post, original documentation need not be posted with the
6. Do I need an appointment to submit my application?
The Department is no longer taking appointments and applicants may apply personally
from Monday to Thursday from 8.30am till 3.30pm.
Appointments already made are however, still valid.
Only persons enjoying International Protection are seen on Fridays.
7. Where do I have to present my application?
Applications are to be presented at the Department which is situated at ground floor level,
Evans Building, St Elmo’s Place, Valletta
8. What do I do once I arrive at the Department?
If one has been given an appointment, his or her name will be called by an officer in the
reception area. If one does not have an appointment, a queuing number will be given.
9. Can I send in my application by Post?
As has already been indicated, Non-EU nationals need to apply in person since the
Department will need to capture the biometrics of the applicant.
EU/EEA/Swiss nationals and members of their family have the option to send in their
application and accompanying documentation by post. Apart from the application
relating to the purpose of residence, form ID1A and ID2 also need to be provided
together with a recent photo in colour. Moreover the photo and photocopy of the passport
or foreign ID card must be authenticated by one of the following persons mentioned in
question 5.
Moreover in case of EU nationals who were never issued with a Maltese ID card, the
Electoral Form indicating where one wishes to vote for European Parliament elections
and inclusion in the Electoral Register also needs to be presented.
10. I am housebound, can I send in my application by post?
If one is housebound (as attested by a medical certificate), one can send in the application
form, accompanying documents, forms ID1A and ID2 by post.
11. Where do I need to send in my application?
The application needs to be addressed to:
Director Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs
Department for Citizenship and Expatriate Affairs
Evans Building, St Elmo’s Place,Valletta.
12. How long will it take to process my application?
The application will take a few weeks to be processed. The Department must be informed
in advance in case of urgent travel.
13. Where do I collect my residence document?
Following a notification to this effect sent by the Department the document must be
collected in person from basement level, Evans Building, St Elmo’s Place,Valletta.
The office is open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8.30a.m. till
14. Which documents do I need to present when collecting the residence document?
When collecting a residence document, the receipt of the application as well as the ID
card (if any) would need to be presented. In the case that this card has been lost or stolen,
a police report would have to be presented together with the application.
*About Class Action Against ARMS LTD: This Group was initially opened, when it was decided to pursue a Class Action against Arms Ltd in regards to the Domestic Residential rate that many were affected by.
The Class Action is proceeding in Court, as is another case regarding the Law. Both actions can be viewed via the files on the Group page.
This Group has grown from a tiny seed into a flourishing community, with branches reaching the 500+ Action Group, mainly on email and the recently renovated “Up in Arms” Group which is now spreading branches into the EU Advisory group.
When this Group was formed, none of us who have been here since the inception would have imagined that we would become as diverse as we now are. That we ever imagined the Group would focus only on ARMS was naïve as with the passing of years, more and more of the situations affecting those of us who live in Malta have come to the fore and instead of passing the buck we have faced many of the problems head on.
Our membership hails from all around the World and everyone is welcome to join our merry band.
Arms Class Action offers the Facebook group as a service for your convenience and cannot be held responsible for any liability financial or otherwise associated directly or in directly with a posting made on its wall or sent to members in association with third party agreements. Our group can be located at
This group is a closed Group and may be accessed on acceptance of membership by any Facebook user.
Category: Guest posts, Resources for Malta Mums