An easy labour

[ 0 ] 06/12/2013 |

baby1My dream had always been to make a big family of my own. After being married for 5 years with my dear Richard, we decided it was time for a new addition to our family.

My birth story is quite simple. After four months of trying to conceive I got pregnant. Apart from some nausea during the first trimester, and having gained 30 kilos in total – making it hard for me to walk around in the last two months, I didn’t experience any complications. I was simply expecting impatiently the big day.

When I was in the 39th week, 5th August 2013 and late at night, I started feeling some sort of pain that reminded me of the long forgotten period cramps. I took a shower to relax, watched some TV, and when the cramps started being regular, coming every 5 minutes just, I woke up my husband. It was time to head to the hospital. I was suddenly overwhelmed with fear and impatience to finally meet our precious one.

When we arrived at Mater Dei I was already dilated 4cm. The water broke right on time, half an hour after we entered the delivery room. I managed to cope with the pain just by using the gas as a pain relief method. Richard was with me in the room the whole time. With the help of two midwives, three hours later I was holding in my hands a tiny and oh so beautiful little girl, 2.8 kilos, with lots of brown hair. Our precious Rebecca.

I’ve heard many women saying that the pain is unbearable. In my case it was bearable. In fact, the pain from the stitches the weeks after (I tore because she came out fast) was worse.

Mummy Maria Grech

Category: Birth Stories

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