30′ free play time at Mint Kids

[ 0 ] 12/03/2015 |






  • 30′ free play time for 1 child every time you visit Mint Kids.




About Mint Kids & Mint

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Mint, the renowned waterfront cafe in Sliema bearing the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence, recently opened Mint Kids. Mint Kids is a new soft play and sensory area, and is right next door to Mint in Sliema. At Mint Kids you will find activities for children aged 6 months to 5 years. Their nature zone includes a sensory interactive wall panel for babies, bendy mirrors and activity ring. Toddlers and older kids can enjoy the themed rockers, brick kit, matching shapes panel, the diver wobbly character and ball pool area. Mums can also enjoy a relaxing lunch or simply a coffee and a magazine whilst their kids play in a safe and clean soft play area.

Mint is owned and a run by a a mother of 2 kids aged 3 and 1. That explains why everything is so well taken care of and adjusted to accommodate the needs of mums with young kids. This New Zealand style cafe, praised also by Lonely Planet, is based on the concept of freshly made cabinet food which changes daily. The food is always fresh and of the finest quality. It’s homemade and absolutely suitable for your little ones. My 1 1/2 year old boy (and me 🙂 ) particularly enjoyed a savory muffin last time we went to play at Mint Kids. Moreover, if you are breast-feeding, this is definitely the place to go as you will feel at ease, and will be able to enjoy and relax for a couple of hours.

Mint Kids opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday 8am to 4pm. Closed on Mondays.
Entrance Fee: 30 mins – Euro 2, 1 hour – Euro 3.50, 2 hours – Euro 5
Max capacity: 10 kids


How to get the Maltamum Card exclusive discount

You will need to present on location your Maltamum Card and Maltese ID/Passport.

Contact Details

Address: 30/39 Luzio Junction, Stella Maris Street, Sliema
T: (+356) 2133 7117
E: info@mintmalta.com
Website: www.mintmalta.com
Facebook: Mint 



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Category: Uncategorized

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