Up to 25% discount on Mellowmama sessions with Scottish therapist Lilia Sinclair

[ 0 ] 01/09/2014 |



  • 35 Euro for 1 Mellowmama session instead of 50 Euro
  • 150 Euro for 5 Mellowmama sessions instead of 200 Euro
  • Free 10 minute consultation


What can you expect in a Mellowmama session?





About Lilia Sinclair

Lilia is a Healer, Emotional release therapist and teacher from Scotland who currently lives in Malta. She’s also the Co-Creator of The Key to Health and Wellbeing, and Natural High Malta designing you holidays and Retreats.

Since she was 19 she has taught fitness and had an instinctive passion about nutrition. For over 22 years she has been obsessed about our immune systems and the link between our health and our happiness. She has studied and read voraciously, nutritional healing, EFT, The Sedona Method, Vibrational healing, Reiki, Angel healing, Access Consciousness.

She suffered from Chronic fatigue and depression for years too and realised after a 22 hour journey on a bus in Australia that she had to take matters into her own hands. Read more here

Worth noting, Lilia recently had one of the most amazing honours bestowed to her as a therapist. A little girl who came into the world just a couple of days ago has been named after her because she helped her mum to heal.

The gift of being a mum may not always feel like a gift. She will help you change your thoughts and feelings.


Mellow Mamas one to one session

The sessions are done on Skype so you do not need to worry about getting out the house. You need to be in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 1 hour.

Lilia uses The Sedona Method, EFT, The Work and meditation and visualisation techniques, whatever she feel is right for you at the time.

During a session you will address together any stress, anything you wish was different, any limiting beliefs or guilt, any relationships issues that can occur due to circumstance. Whatever the issue you will move from stress, fear and problems to acceptance and solutions.

Because humans “react” due to neural pathways they have created in the past, 5 sessions is what it takes (30 days) to lay down new neural pathways. It is like having a personal trainer but for your mind. Use your thoughts and feelings to take you to what you love instead of the opposite. This takes practice.



A few words from Lilia

Becoming a mum is one of the most incredible times in our lives. We feel love and a host of other emotions in an intensity previously unknown. This is a miracle to be enjoyed and savoured. But often the reality of dealing with what the body has gone through, the sleepless nights, the 100% commitment of our time and energy can cause us to feel low and maybe anxious. The pressure to be a good parent, wife, worker etc can take its toll. The understanding we have now of the bond and the effect we have on our kids if we feel and act in a negative way. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and alone. Emotions may run riot due to major hormone changes and sleep deprivation.

As a Daughter, Sister, Friend, Mother, Grandmother I know all about these feelings.

As an emotional release therapist, I teach people how to feel happy.

How to let go of negative thoughts, emotions and feelings and savour these precisious moments with your children and your partner.
Many women are bringing up their children alone, this can be very challenging, so these sessions are invaluable to everyone, no matter what your circumstance. I you want to feel happier and really stay in the love vibe, please give me a call.



‘I have been working with Lilia for years now using EFT Sedona Meditation an Juicing. I could not live without it now , it is an integral part of my day. I often wonder how the hell do Mothers do it without using the program!!!! Being a Mum if a very busy challenging 10 year old who I want to guide and love unconditionally so that he can be his own best person and not who my ego thinks he should be . I would not manage this very well without using the emotional releasing techniques . It’s almost like the program has removed the fear and judgement that society places in our kids, I now have the freedom to just allow my beautiful boy to be who he is, growing at his pace and not at the pace our education system rates he should!!!!! This has given my son and I much more freedom and happiness within our relationship . I love working one to one with Lilia because as she says something magical happens when two come together for one purpose. I use the system in all areas of my life and really would not want to think about managing my life the old way. Why would I? When I can live stress free everyday. No matter what is going in externally I have this inner peCe and knowingness that everything is ok always . I am not controlled by my emotions . I can face life and it’s ups and downs with much more ease and grace!!! This is amazing considering I am Scottish lol

We don’t do ease and grace!

I love Lilia, she has a very caring , gentle way about how she connects with you and you genuinely know she cares . I highly recommend her program . I sees to think if life without it now!!! Stress free living and living on a higher frequency is way much better , trust me !!!!! Much more fun all round for everyone …’ – Ellie Emmanuel

‘At the age of 30 I thought I was getting a heart attack on a daily basis I felt sharp pains in my chest and running down my arm. I lived constantly overwhelmed and in a fight or flight response. I wasn’t sleeping well, I wasn’t enjoying my time with family and friends, and I wasn’t enjoying anything I was doing. I was just doing them robotically.

I met Lilia last year but the timing just wasn’t right, and then after listening to a talk of hers at the mind and body expo here a year later I decided to meet her one on one.

Lilia showed me how to let go, how to set myself free; with techniques that are so SIMPLE!! These techniques changed my life. Now I make sure I find a few minutes a day to practise….its useless having the tools and not using them after all.
After my first session with Lilia I had the best night’s sleep I had had in the last 4 years – no joke!!Within 2 weeks I noticed I was noticing how beautiful the sun sparkled on the waves J that when I knew something inside me changed, within 5 weeks I was happy and not only did I feel happy. People were actually commenting that I look different – yeah I was HAPPY!!
I can’t recommend her enough. Her energy is amazing …….she’s awesome!! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom!! xxxxx’ – Hannah Martirano

‘I had a Sedona and EFT session with Lilia a few weeks ago…I have used and tapped frequently since my session and I am amazed at how quickly I can lift and change my mood. I was full of anxiety and stress at the thought of my impending young and ever growing family(one at 10 months and another one due in 4 months and a 13 year old with a partner that is away alot).

It really has transformed my life and I am very excited to see my future with two children under 15 months when it happens in October now that I have this very simple and effective tool in my armoury. Where as before I was actually dreading it! Such a simple package that Lilia has combined and she is totally fabulous at ascertaining what each individual needs. I am a therapist myself and I have lots of tools…however actually working with Lilia made things so much more powerful for me…so it was super life changing and super easy to do!’- Verusshka

‘After being told that i was facing radical surgery to correct a problem that had been misdiagnosed for 19 yr s of my life. i met lilia. in our session we talked about the sedona method and practised some releasing.we talked over nutrition and what could help replenish my body.we did some healing and quite a bit of chuckling.i went into the the session profoundly different from how i came out.when i went in i was feeling negative,let down and basically lost.when i emerged i knew it was gonna be ok,if i simply looked at everything from a positive and natural way.this was in march of this yr.since then i have woken up every morning with thankfulness have accepted and realised on many an emotion, have completely overhauled mine and my families nutritional content and have begun to change the way i view food. i am coming off medication i thought id be stuck on forever and well and truly on the road to not having the surgery i was doomed to have .i have chosen,to open my eyes to being more and i have chosen to put myself out there to the universe.’ – Natalie Maceachern

‘So great to listen to your videos .Having done a couple of EFT workshops and a few seminars with Lilia. ,its so reassuring to hear her reach out with her positive, honest approach to life .I am a mother to three children and generally live on adrenalin , stress and too many negative emotions.I knew that I was heading for burn out but felt powerless and resigned myself to this way of functioning.

After my last lesson that was focused mainly on tapping ,I genuinely found myself more in control,more
positive and confident.The first time was on my way to a karate fight class,where most of the participants were younger .Instead of being out of control and unable to focus my thoughts ,I tapped.I actually had an amazing class that night and its spurred me on.
Love the idea of skyping with Lilia. It really does help and canyt believe so simple.Thanks for everything Lilia.xx’ – Shona Young

‘Lilia has helped me many times with the Sedona method and EFT. As well as relaxation techniques, she always makes me feel better and has taught me life long skills that I use daily and will pass onto my children. An amazing, positive woman who genuinely will do all she can to improve your life. Couldn’t recommend her highly enough, I would be in a far darker place if it wasn’t for Lilia!’ – Pasqua Faccenda


Contact details

Facebook personal profile: Lilia Sinclair
Youtube channel with inspirational videos: Lilia Sinclair on Youtube
Website and Blog: www.liliasinclair.com
Skype: Vibroqueen
Email: lookgoodfeelgr8@gmail.com






Category: Health, Fitness and Beauty, MALTAMUM CARD Discount catalogue, New offers, Services

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