22 days to go – Erik’s looks
[kkstarratings]At the moment I am wondering how Erik is going to look like. During the first months, when we didn’t know the gender, it was hard to picture him as a “baby”. When we found out that he’s a boy, it was hard to imagine how he might look like. Most probably because we’re a mixed couple and he can literally be whatever. Except from tall. That’s the only trait that we have in common from both family sides and ancestors.
You see, the father is a red-head Norwegian, with fair skin, freckles and blue eyes, coming from a family with no gingers for as far back as his parents can remember. It is rumored that the grandfather of his grandfather from his father’s side was a ginger. They all have blue eyes though. Me on the other hand I am a Greek red-head with Mediterranean skin (white that turns brownish in the summer), just a tiny little bit of freckles on my nose and brown eyes, coming from parents whose colors range from the very dark ones that one can find in the island of Crete from my father’s side and pretty whitish with dark brown hair and eyes from my mum’s side. The red hair comes from my grandma’s grandma from my mum’s side.
Here’s a picture of Roy and me.

A good friend of ours and graffiti artist, Platon, made a painting and gave it to us as a present; a representation of how he thinks little Erik is going to look like. You can see it below. It’s a cutie.

What do you think? Is Erik going to be a ginger? We take bets 🙂
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probably going to look like this 🙂
I'll put a tenner on blonde 😀 Whatever, I'm sure he will be super cute xxx.
So, no copy of John Carew I suppose? Where's your blog? Link?
Hopefully not at birth! 😉
Kristoffer Freiding http://www.maltamum.com/
Glenn Rasmussen hopefully not later neither. But shhh don't tell Roy 😉
Heym Elissavet, your mum, i.e. me, was born a clear, white-skinned ash blond girl, thank you and continued to be a darker shade of blond in my teen years; not a dark brown haired one as I grew to be in late maturity years. So I bet on blond too for baby Erik with wonderful blue eyes, pleeeease Roy! I love blue eyes!
And he is a ginger after all :-p