200 book copies of ‘Where am I from?’ to be distributed to the public schools!

[ 0 ] 11/08/2018 |

Hi mummies,

I hope you’re having a great summer till now. Things have been hectic here while running our crowdfunding Kickstarter campaign. Together with Faraxa Publishing and the artist Platon we’re raising the funds we need to create ‘Where am I from?‘, the world’s 1st graffiti illustrated book for children promoting unity and diversity.

It’s been quite a ride so far with two MAJOR highlights. Mr. David Muscat placed an order of 200 book copies of ‘Where am I from?’ on behalf of the National Literacy Agency of Malta. These books will be distributed to the public schools in Malta! Isn’t this amazing? I also got contacted by the Libraries Counsellor of the Vestfold Municipality of Norway who pre-ordered 20 books for their public libraries. She found me on Facebook after having read the following article in a Norwegian newspaper, and also invited me as a speaker at a cultural event this September related to integration. So much love and support poured over this book project, it warms my heart <3

Within 3 weeks since the launch of our campaign we ‘ve had press coverage in three countries, public institutions in two countries sponsoring us, and the support of YOU, 121 amazing people helping us bring this book to life. I feel all this comes as a proof that the book we are all creating together is a book that matters. We still have 4 days to go as our campaign expires on 15/08. Lets see what might come next!

Someone asked me the following:

‘Where am I from?’ is aimed at helping children who are multicultural, multiracial or living outside of their home country. What about other children… can they also benefit from reading this book? 

And this is my answer:

All children will benefit from this story. The book will spark their curiosity about different countries across the globe which is in itself a fantastic conversation opener. Secondly, all kids, native and multicultural, will appreciate the narrative and the message of the beauty in diversity. It will help promote for them the idea that, in the end, when it comes to the very basics, we’re all connected. It’s during early childhood that many of our attitudes and beliefs towards others are shaped, and we form a perception of the world around us. It is therefore at this young age we should start introducing these ideas if we want our kids to grow up and create a better world than we have done so far.‘ 

If you haven’t placed your order yet to support our book, please check it out here.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Category: Mum's Library, Shopping, Where am I from?

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