10th Anniversary of the Puttinu Cares – Football and Volleyball Marathon 6, 7, 8 June 2014
PUTTINU FUNPARK: The 60 hour football and volleyball marathon in aid of Puttinu Cares
A Football marathon and a Volleyball marathon are going to be held to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Puttinu Cares. The celebrations will take place at the Marsa Sports Grounds on the 6th, 7th and 8th of June 2014 from 10:00-22:00. The grounds will be transformed into a disneyworld for all the children to have a special memory and enjoy a special day.
Relevant links:
Puttinu Cares Facebook event
Puttinu Cares Facebook page
Puttinu Cares Football Marathon
Puttinu Cares Volleyball Marathon
Category: Events in Malta, Past events